Get In The Ring At Last
Discover the Man You Were Made to Be Through an Ongoing Rigorous Exercise of 
8 Key Elements of Masculinity. 
It's Like CrossFit for Your Soul.
We’ve all felt it...
Pissed at having wasted another two hours at another boring men’s group with bad coffee and stale donuts mumbling about how to do better when what we really want are brothers willing to dig into the real shit we all battle, and wrestle with it together. 
There. Said it!
Now, let's change it forever. The Octagon is designed to hit the 8 corners of life that keep so many men stuck. There is no silver bullet, no magic fix. But, by attacking these 8 Keys relentlessly, you can make significant and measurable progress towards becoming the man you are made to be. 
Download your 8 Keys below.
  • Weekly Workout - Your personal pdf to guide you deeper into each week of the Octagon Cycle. 
  • Initial 20-minute Custom Coaching Call - Speak with Brian personally, to preview the issues that hold you back and chart a path forward.
  • Lock In Your Cost - keep the introductory rate for the lifetime of your membership. The price will go up.
  • Help Build A Legacy - as part of the first cadre, you will help shape the path for those to come after.
  • Octagon Toolkit - Mindset journal and pen to chart your path and track your growth.
  • Exclusive Facebook Community - Enter the Octagon with courageous men on all sides. 
The First Step is to Download 
8 Keys to Recover Your Masculine Soul. 
The Next Step Will Arrive in Your Inbox Shortly.
Transformation Starts in 8 Key Areas
The Octagon covers eight key areas every man struggles to master. We go through each one together and dive deeper into each every cycle.


There is something hard-wired deep in your soul and mine that longs to fight for freedom, beauty, and goodness. The fight to recover your own masculine soul requires the greatest courage of all. 


Vulnerability is something we love to talk about, but are scared to death of. However, embracing it reveals our deep reservoir of courage.


In ancient Greece, warriors would break the best stallions for battle. They were called "gentle" --
fierce and unflinching in the presence of danger.


Like it or not, being fully seen and fully known—especially those parts of me that hold the most shame—is essential for finding wholeness. 


True freedom from isolation and loneliness begins by allowing myself to be seen and known; this begins by telling the truth boldly, first to myself, then to others. 


Discover a love that invites your heart to openness, allowing you to taste first-hand the sweetness of Abba’s delight in you, His son. Discover a growing sense of freedom and hope. 


The answer to a fragmented life and a disconnected heart is NOT better pretending or shinier behavior; it’s wholeness and integration. It’s integrity. 


Deep inside, you and I both know we were made for more. There is something woven into the very fiber of my being that reminds me every moment of every day that I was built for greatness.
The Octagon covers eight key areas every man struggles to dominate. We go through each one together and dive deeper into each every cycle.


There is something hard-wired deep in your soul and mine that longs to fight for freedom, beauty, and goodness. The fight to recover your own masculine soul requires the greatest courage of all. 


Vulnerability is something we love to talk about, but are scared to death of. However, embracing it reveals our deep reservoir of courage.


In ancient Greece, warriors would break the best stallions for battle. They were called "gentle" --
fierce and unflinching in the presence of danger.


Like it or not, being fully seen and fully known—especially those parts of me that hold the most shame—is essential for finding wholeness. 


True freedom from isolation and loneliness begins by allowing myself to be seen and known; this begins by telling the truth boldly, first to myself, then to others. 


Discover a love that invites your heart to openness, allowing you to taste first-hand the sweetness of Abba’s delight in you, His son. Discover a growing sense of freedom and hope. 


The answer to a fragmented life and a disconnected heart is NOT better pretending or shinier behavior; it’s wholeness and integration. It’s integrity. 


Deep inside, you and I both know we were made for more. There is something woven into the very fiber of my being that reminds me every moment of every day that I was built for greatness.
This isn’t my Job… It’s my Passion.
My story is broken and dark. I am familiar with the struggle in all of the 8 key areas listed above, and am grateful to be on a path of healing and wholeness in each one. The path is not a turn-key or just flip-a-switch easy answer. It’s a process that takes courage, time, and a willingness to wade into the shit we’ve been trying to avoid in order to uncover the divine truth woven into our DNA as men. 

You and I are men after God’s own heart. We are called out of our fear and hiding to more. Called to love more, lead more, to dive more deeply into passionate intimacy with the woman in our life, and to cultivate true fellowship with brothers who want to fight in the foxhole beside us. 

Are you that man—one who’s done with passive pew-sitting hearing about how to behave better, and like a wild stallion meant for battle ready to risk humble action and do the work to reclaim your place as Abba’s Child*, Warrior, and Beloved Son? That’s my tattoo, and that’s my passion.
* Abba's Child reminds me I am a son of God the Father, and comes from my favorite book of the same name by Brennan Manning. You can hear him describe it himself here
Transformation Stories


About six months before my husband’s disclosure, he began to see a counselor. I remember not fully understanding or knowing why he was going, but realizing there was probably more to it than his generalized explanation, though it was scary I decided to trust and pray. I prayed that the “behind the scenes work” happening would be just what he needed, and that when and if I would enter the story, it would be at the right time.

When I found out about my husband’s sexual struggles and some of the behaviors that came with it, I was shaken to the core. I didn’t understand. How could someone I trusted with my whole heart betray me so deeply? My mind reeled with how he was able to walk in the door and face me amidst the secret he was carrying. I remember the pivotal moment deciding whether I would walk the road of healing with him or wondering if it was too much. He encouraged me to come with him to see Brian in hopes of better understanding the journey he had been walking. I agreed…Best Decision I’ve ever made.

Our journey with Brian was pivotal for our marriage. We walked in soon after coming face to face with the pain of betrayal. Could our marriage survive the destruction of pornography and addiction? A few words come to mind when reflecting on this transformational time: curiosity, grace, and hope. Brian modeled a curiosity for each of our individual stories that in turn showed us how to develop the kind of intimacy that involved asking each other good (often hard) questions. We also came to know the deeply challenging but transformative heart of showing grace when we realize the brokenness of ourselves and our partner. Coming into this, I had not intended on the humble journey of discovering my own dark places and the way they’d influenced my relationships, especially the one with my husband. As the interweaving of these things began to take place, the Lord replaced some of the anger and confusion I was carrying for my husband, with compassion and understanding.

Perhaps the most beautiful part of our journey was the unexpected, and overwhelming re-shaping of our faith. Through one of the deepest valleys our marriage has seen, there came a sense of renewed hope. We came to know the transforming power of unconditional love and acceptance from our Father. Even as we stood (and still stand) completely exposed in our brokenness and betrayal, we receive His embrace. Our best example of grace is just that. This gives us overwhelming hope. Our marriage was revived and will continue to grow because of this hope.


Sexual bondage has been a common thread throughout my life. I never knew why I struggled and often brushed it off as something that would always be apart of my life. As any addiction goes it is progressive and starts to affect other parts of your life. I continued to pray for deliverance with no success. The constant failure left me hopeless and alone. The shame I felt was debilitating, fearing nobody could accept me for who I really was, the good and bad.

Being married was another element to my shame and guilt. I feared if my wife ever found out or knew she would not accept me and possibly leave.

Sitting in my car crying alone at my lowest with no hope, I concluded that any consequence was worth the hope of healing. I knew that I could not do this on my own, and that’s when I started searching for counselors. I truly believe God intervened and Brian’s page came up on my search. I vividly remember him answering the phone. We spoke briefly and set our first appointment.

Sharing my story with Brian was the hardest and best decision I have ever made. This was the beginning of a process I could never have fathomed. Brian listened to my story with so much grace and care, and together we walked through my story discovering the roots of my pain. Throughout our counseling I had more growth and understanding that I could have ever imagined.

After disclosure to my wife we both began counseling with Brian. Bringing my wife in on my pain and betrayal was heartbreaking and devastating. Being counseled as a couple was pivotal to walking through the pain I brought into our marriage. My gracious wife stuck by my side and together we walked through the hardest season of our lives. We discovered a depth of intimacy and a new understanding of each other’s story. We were so blessed to have this facilitated and guided through counseling.

I am so thankful for the growth and healing I experienced. If you are lost in sexual bondage I encourage to reach out for help. It was the best decision I could have made. Do not do this alone!


Make no doubt about it, counseling can be tough. I can’t say I really wanted to go in the beginning, since we had been through counseling before. Then the question arises, what does a person have to lose when they feel their marriage has hit that pivotal point?

Calls were made, and appointments were scheduled. When the first appointment came, and we met Brian, he was very helpful and honest from day one. He was never judgmental or one-sided. I can’t say I personally engaged much at first. Regardless, Brian was always very patient and kind.

As time went by, personal struggles from the past came up and I started to become aware of how much these issues were affecting our marriage and personal lives. For my entire life, I had hidden my secrets of childhood abuse deep within thinking that if I kept it secret it would someday magically go away, and joy would return into my life. My personal struggles included being sexually abused as a child, along with neglect, mental abuse, and physical abuse. It was so terrifying to name it! The shame, guilt, and hatred for myself had become more than I could deal with and I refused to acknowledge it to myself let alone to another person. In a marriage, self-contempt and undealt with traumas can be absolutely devastating. And that’s just my half, my spouse also has her past as well.

I feel Brian keyed in on several issues from our past and in our marriage very early on in our counseling. I had not said a word about the real issues of my past at this point in our journey. He always remained very courteous, never pushy or outspoken, but always direct and honest. At a certain point I couldn’t hold it in anymore physically or mentally. My past added to current life stressors and it just became too much to stomach. Brian recognized this and over time we counseled alone. As I was able to name issues from the past and see them for what they were–the shame, guilt, and self-hate became manageable.

Brian is like a guide that’s full of knowledge, he goes at your pace and helps you along the path, always willing to go through each struggle with you. And, when you are tired of being on the path, he is also at your side until you’re ready to proceed when and if you choose to do so. I feel very blessed that we were teamed up with him as I really don’t think our lives would be as good as they are now without the time we have spent with Brian.

Not all counselors are alike, Brian is a very compassionate guide who will walk through this journey with you, at your pace, in your time.


For a long time, I was looking for a wise counselor. Someone who could help me navigate my own story. I found that person when I met Brian.

With Brian’s gentle encouragement I have found the grace to face the deep wounds of my past and walk into healing and wholeness.

I grew up in the church believing that I had to earn love. I struggled through three broken relationships, addiction, and self-loathing; all the while trying with everything in me to be “enough”. It never worked. It never worked because I was already enough. Not through anything I could ever do, but through grace. That realization broke the power that shame had over my life.

Brian has taught me how to bless my story, the whole beautiful mess. I would not be who I am without him. If you’ve been thinking about seeking out a counselor just do it. Right now. Stop making excuses. You are worth the investment. There is wholeness. There is peace. There is freedom. My deepest prayer for you is that you could join me in saying, “My story is a good story. My life is a life worth living wholeheartedly. I am enough.”
This isn’t my Job… It’s my Passion.
My story is broken and dark. I am familiar with the struggle in all of the 5 areas listed above, and am grateful to be on a path of healing and wholeness in each one. The path is not a turn-key or just flip-a-switch easy answer. It’s a process that takes courage, time, and a willingness to wade into the shit we’ve been trying to avoid in order to uncover the divine truth woven into our DNA as men. 

You and I are men after God’s own heart. We are called out of our fear and hiding to more. Called to love more, lead more, to dive more deeply into passionate intimacy with the woman in our life, and to cultivate true fellowship with brothers who want to fight in the foxhole beside us. 

Are you that man—one who’s done with passive pew-sitting hearing about how to behave better, and like a wild stallion meant for battle ready to risk humble action and do the work to reclaim your place as Abba’s Child, Warrior, and Beloved Son? That’s my tattoo, and that’s my passion.
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